Fruit Juice could cause health problems like other sugary beverages A while ago, the ADA posted a very interesting article on their website about the effects of fruit juice and it is suggested that the drink maybe as bad to people's health as soft drinks. Now a recent...
Dental Hygiene
Dental Hygienists Save Implants
Dental Hygienists Saves Your Dental Implants Implants can be a great way to replace missing teeth. However, like your natural teeth, dental implants also need to be looked after carefully to keep them healthy. This involves good patient care and regular dental...
Guided Biofilm Therapy
A New Approach And A Real Game Changer For many years little has changed in the approach to the prevention of dental decay and gum disease and the treatment of gum disease. The simple message for all patients has always been, and must remain, “eat less sugars and...
Just Clean The Teeth You Want To Keep
Hygienist Will Make You Smile I overheard our hygienist’s humorous comment to a patient recently and it made me laugh. She told him, “just clean the teeth you want to keep”. How true that was! He was doing a great job on the front teeth but things weren’t so good down...
Failing teeth and how this happens? Part 1
Do you have failing teeth? If you have failing teeth affected by extensive dental decay or severe gum disease and you are worried about the prospect of losing your natural teeth, then this 2 part article series should provide you with some hope that you could have a...
Oral Hygiene after Surgery FAQs – Part 4
In this final part, we look at oral hygiene, diet and is salt water useful? In part three we looked at what medication you can take at home, what to do about bleeding and when your stitches can be removed. In this, the final part, we look at oral hygiene, your diet,...
Cavity Prevention with regular dental checkups
Preventive health education: Cavities and other Dental Issues Preventive dental health education varies from area to area and between different groups in the wider Australian community. Education is probably one of the most important factors in preventing so many...
Natural Teeth & how to maintain them
Advances in dentistry have allowed dentists to help you with maintaining your natural teeth. And that’s important. Maintaining your natural teeth is the best thing for your oral health as your teeth provide support for your gums and jaw. Treatments such as apicectomy...
Children and keeping their teeth healthy
In this article, we show you how to keep your children’s teeth healthy There appears to be a great deal of confusion in the community about what parents should do to ensure that their children’s teeth remain healthy and free of tooth decay. Children need to have a...
Decay prevention for young adults
How to prevent dental decay This final article is an overview of preventive dental information for young adults about preventing dental decay, as well as a discussion on the importance of custom-made mouthguards. A summary of practical advice on preventing dental...
At NQ Surgical Dentistry, We Offer:
- Implant and Oral Surgery in Townsville
- Periodontics in Townsville
- Intravenous Sedation for dentistry in Townsville
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812