After the 2020 Covid-postponement of Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (AHPRA) sedation recertification training, the 2021 - 2 day course/reassessment went ahead in the Gold Coast on 28th and 29th May 2021 for Dental practitioners and Specialists who...
NQ Surgical
Gum Disease: A Risk Factor for Sever Covid-19 Illness
Severe Covid-19 Infection and Coexisting Chronic Disease Patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) related conditions such as pneumonia, are frequently older patients, particularly those suffering chronic medical conditions including: Obesity Diabetes Hypertension...
Offering individualized dental care for anxious & phobic patients and patients who have a gagging problem……
Do you have a “built-in” fear of dentisty? Do you gag or feel like vomiting when the dentist works in your mouth? These issues are very common but can be managed very successfully under intravenous sedation. If you are an anxious dental patient or gag during...
Job Keeper” and “Mouth Keeper” during the COVID-19 Pandemic
We heard of Job-Seeker, Job-Keeper and now dentists are urging that people become Mouth-Keepers! Throughout this COVID pandemic, more people stayed at home isolated, working from home, avoiding social contact and some found these new-world measures led to boredom and...
Australian’s dental health is getting worse!
Every year that passes sees the dental health of Australians fall further and further behind the national targets set for 2025. Currently dental decay and gum disease is a growing problem in our community, and this is being made worse by the reduced attendance of...
CoVid-19 and Safe Dentistry
COVID-Safe Dentistry – a patient’s checklist for safe treatment All routine dentistry can resume for patients, for whom there is no detected health or epidemiological risk factors for COVID-19 infection. How do you know if you are at risk of having contracted or being...
After Covid-19
Where do we go from here? Now that the transmission of the COVID-19 virus in Australia is largely under control, here in North Queensland we can continue to offer the whole spectrum of dental treatment. Normal dental treatment service for our patients is described by...
Covid 19 update 21 April 2020
COVID 19 update - 21 April 2020 Reduced restrictions on dentistry Following a meeting of the Prime Minister and the Australian Health Precautions Principle Committee (AHPPC) on 21st April 2020, a relaxation of medical treatment restrictions was approved. The...
Covid19 & Easter 2020
At times of stress our immune system seems to drop its defences. Right now many people are feeling that stress both from the daily news on the COVID-19 pandemic figures and worrying about the effect it is having on their financial well-being. Both these topics are...
NQSD Operation During Covid-19
NQ Surgical Dentistry in Townsville remains open during the current COVID-19 pandemic for the treatment of patients suffering from severe pain and/or infection only. ALL routine dental treatment is deferred for all patients until COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed. We...
At NQ Surgical Dentistry, We Offer:
- Implant and Oral Surgery in Townsville
- Periodontics in Townsville
- Intravenous Sedation for dentistry in Townsville
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812