Facial Trama and Your Options Trauma to the face often results in damage to the teeth, the soft tissue of the gums, and the hard tissues supporting the teeth and gums (bone of the jaws). Tooth damage may involve fracture of the visible part of the tooth known as the...
Dental Trauma
Facial Trauma – What to do in a dental emergency
Accidents Happen - Now What do I Do? Accidents happen, and when the teeth and associated bone is damaged due to a facial trauma or injury, at NQ Surgical Dentistry we can help... Have you suffered fractured, damaged or lost teeth? Accidents are sadly unavoidable and...
Michigan Splint Therapy
A MICHIGAN SPLINT A Michigan Splint is an Oral Appliance that covers all the teeth in either the maxilla (upper jaw) or mandible (lower jaw) and is therefore termed a "full-coverage splint". It is manufacture in a hard resin such as poly-methyl-methacrylate. At NQ...
Tooth myth busted
Think you’ve lost your adult tooth for good if it has been knocked out? Think again! A tooth knocked out due to injury can still be saved. In this situation, time really is of the essence. If you find yourself a tooth short after a collision or sporting crash, stay...
At NQ Surgical Dentistry, We Offer:
- Implant and Oral Surgery in Townsville
- Periodontics in Townsville
- Intravenous Sedation for dentistry in Townsville
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812