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Located In Townsville, NQ Surgical Dentistry Caters To Every Patient Not Only From The Region Of North Queensland But Also Further Afield
A patient can fly into Townsville for treatment with Dr Saltmiras from anywhere in Australia. In view of patients traveling long distances to visit the practice, we will help to make your visit as pleasant as possible, and if required we can assist with advice on accommodation and local restaurants.
If you would like to become a patient of NQ Surgical Dentistry or have any questions you’d like to ask, you can call us or email.
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812
Introduction To Our Unique And Extensive Range Of Patient Information Leaflets
Over the years, NQ surgical dentistry has found that patients find it hard to find reliable information on their particular dental problems and treatment and going online is not easy when you don’t know exactly what you’re searching for. He has therefore searched the web for information and re-written the information and re-presented it in a user-friendly and clear way trying to avoid the use of medical or dental terms. The leaflets are listed below with a brief explanation of the information they present. The leaflets are all numbered as Patient Handout series from 1 up to 66. There’s something for everyone!
Oral hygiene instruction advising the use of a high frequency vibrating brush to reliably disrupt the plaque that forms on all surfaces in the mouth.
The mysteries of denture care are explained because patients are frequently given their denture with little explanation on how to care for the denture, when to leave the denture out of the mouth and how often the denture ought to be checked.
Single stage implant therapy explains how an implant is placed in the jaw and the stages of treatment that must follow to achieve a tooth replacement using an implant and a crown.
Two stage implant therapy addresses implant insertion where it is necessary to submerge the implant and cover-screw beneath the soft tissues for the healing period, during which osseo-integration is to take place.
It will be available soon.
Non surgical periodontal therapy outlines the use of a non-surgical approach to the treatment of gum disease.
Periodontal maintenance therapy outlines how patients need to be maintained after they complete their initial non-surgical gum disease treatment to prevent recurrence of disease and maintain the initial resolution of inflammatory gum disease.
Phase 2 periodontal therapy discusses the further treatment stages that may be required after initial non-surgical gum disease treatment has been provided. This is not always required nut for those patients with extensive or severe gum disease it is likely that such additional treatment will be required.
Obstructive sleep apnoea is a fairly common abnormality in sleep patterns and has other far reaching general health side effects. This article discusses the condition and how a dental appliance is one of the treatment options that can help.
Oral appliance therapy uses a combination upper and lower splint to exaggerate the forward position of the lower jaw to open up the posterior airway space and stop obstructive sleep apnoea. This article discusses this treatment option.
It will be available soon.
Immediate dentures can be made and provided at the time of tooth removal. Such a denture can replace one tooth, several teeth or all the teeth. These dentures save a patient having to go without a tooth or teeth for 3-4 months as they used to, before they get a denture to restore their appearance and function.
It will be available soon.
A dry socket is an unpleasant complication following the extraction of a lower posterior tooth. It rarely affects upper jaws. This article explains the problem and identifies how it occurs and how to avoid it. A dry socket is an unpleasant complication following the extraction of a lower posterior tooth. It rarely affects upper jaws. This article explains the problem and identifies how it occurs and how to avoid it.
Third molars – the whole story discusses the third molars also known as wisdom teeth. It identifies the reasons for removing such teeth and covers all aspects of the wisdom teeth including the potential risks and complications of their removal.
It will be available soon.
What type of anaesthetic is best for you looks at the options for anaesthesia for various dental treatments. It considers general anaesthetic in hospital or a day surgery unit, and the use of local anaesthetic in a practice alone or in combination with intravenous sedation.
Keep children’s teeth healthy addresses the factors that parents can affect to try and prevent their children suffering dental decay. It addresses all the causative factors for decay and the preventive strategies available these days to help keep your children’s teeth decay-free.
Gum disease – the basics explained does just that; it addresses what gum disease is, what affects it, how it progresses and how it can be treated.
Keep your teeth healthy aims to be a set of guidelines to help everyone to look after their teeth and gums and to prevent them suffering from dental diseases. It is written as a broad advice document with useful information on how to avoid decay and gum disease.
Intravenous sedation is a technique whereby anxious and phobic dental patients receive medications intravenously that eliminates their anxiety about dentistry enabling them to accept treatment willingly. It also outlines how this technique can eliminate gagging that can be very embarrassing for patients and can make receiving dental treatment impossible. The article covers all aspects of sedation including the way in which it is managed in Australia.
Implants – the whole story covers every aspect of implant treatment. It covers the development of implants, and the risks and potential complications, along with the numerous benefits of implant therapy for the replacement of teeth.
Over-dentures are a form of denture worn over either cut-back natural teeth or dental implants to provide the denture with stability and retention. The benefits of over-dentures are discussed to allow patients to understand why the dentist is considering providing a denture over retained roots of teeth or using specialised retainer devices fitted to implants.
Preventive advice for young adults offers young people advice on how to care for their teeth and how to avoid dental diseases. It explores various treatment regimes that can stop decay occurring or can heal early lesions of decay avoiding the need for fillings.
Dental Caries – it’s a population-wide issue is a stark reminder of the prevalence of dental decay in our population. It looks at the reasons behind the spread of decay and it considers many options available to help reduce decay, its severity and improve the dental health of individuals and the nation.
Gum recession is a very specific problem that can affect a single tooth or multiple teeth. This article looks at the various factors that cause the problem and how the problem can present. Solutions are discussed to help avoid symptoms like pain with cold drinks and surgical options to cover the exposed root surfaces that may be an appearance problem at the front of the mouth.
Regular checks – minimum intervention is a leaflet discussing how regular dental examination and a preventive dental routine can prevent dental problems and minimise the need for any dental treatment.
Frenectomy is a procedure that is much misunderstood. A tongue tie can be a real problem for some babies and prevent good feeding, it can make breast-feeding impossible or ineffective and can have detrimental effects on the mother and her bond with her baby. It is often easy to treat the physical tissue and this may make an enormous difference to the babies feeding, health and attitude. Minor frenectomies can also be beneficial in the prevention of recession where gum is literally pulled away from the root surface of the tooth. Early diagnosis is key to successful and minimal treatment.
Trauma to teeth addresses the various degrees of trauma that can affect teeth. It seeks to explain the rationale for treating injuries to the teeth. It gives simple advice for parents so they know what to do if a child falls and damages their teeth. Sports injuries also frequently involve dental injuries and this article helps with advice on treatment.
Xrays are a very necessary part of dental investigations for dental decay, dental and facial injuries, assessing the degree of gum disease present, treatment planning for dental implants, and identifying the presence of abnormal lesions growing in the dental and facial region.
Hygienists save implants is a leaflet that addresses the importance of a dental hygienist or oral health therapist in the long term maintenance of dental implants by helping patients to maintain the optimal degree of plaque control and by offering detailed cleaning around the implants at a regular interval.
TMJ dysfunction (Sore jaw joint) affects many people, particularly those who suffer from phsychological stress. This leaflet outlines the signs and symptoms of the condition and seeks to explain the condition and how treatment works at alleviating pain and muscular activity that can lead to muscular cramping and headaches.
Tooth wear occurs naturally over time. Those with a heavy bite and an abrasive diet will suffer natural tooth wear but other people who grind their teeth together constantly will cause far more severe wear and this may lead to symptoms. Treatment is required for these patients otherwise their teeth will fail and tooth loss will result.
Crowns are explained in this article. It breaks down the various types of crown explaining the pros and cons of each type. It also addresses the reasons why crowns are provided for patients and the benefits they may have in strengthening weakened teeth.
Your medical history and surgery is a leaflet that covers many aspects of general health and disease and explained the relevant factors and how medical conditions can influence dental treatment, dental surgery and the drugs used in dentistry. It focuses on the most common conditions like osteoporosis, diabetes, blood pressure and various medications.
Sports drinks and nutrition products are advertised as part of the healthy lifestyle but beware they can have a very negative impact on the dental health. Read this article to find out more.
At NQ Surgical Dentistry, We Offer:
- Implant and Oral Surgery in Townsville
- Periodontics in Townsville
- Intravenous Sedation for dentistry in Townsville
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812

Blood clot risk with NSAIDS (anti-inflammatory drugs) outlines a risk that has been found to exist with commonly used drugs like Nurofen (Ibuprofen). This article explained the risk and puts it into context.
Frequently asked questions after tooth extraction or oral surgery is a useful leaflet that probably addresses the questions many patients may have after their procedure. It is well worth reading.
Fixed and removable tooth replacements looks at different dental appliances that can be provided to replace missing teeth.
Summary of radiation dose equivalents for patients to help demystify the doses of ionising radiation experienced when having Xray taken and providing some equivalence to understand the dose.
The role of the dental hygienist sets out the enormous benefits derived from having a dental hygienist in the practice to offer preventive dental care services to patients, to spend time with patients helping them understand their particular dental health issues and offering a dental cleaning service second to none.
Many drugs including non-steroidal inflammatory drugs have unwanted side effects. This leaflets addresses the specific side effects of NSAIDs as they are frequently used for patients with dental problems.
This leaflet tries to address the most common dental issues seen in people in their 40’s around the early middle age.
This leaflet looks at the more common dental problems that arise in later middle age in the 5th decade of life.
An apicectomy is a surgical procedure. In this leaflet the procedure is explained including an outline of the reasons for the procedure.
The dental and more general health implications of breast-feeding are discussed in this article.
The use of inhalers is common for those who suffer from asthma. Patients who use them on a regular basis may suffer from some minor adverse oral side effects. This article is a brief over view of the effects inhalers may have on patients.
Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure that is explained in detail and the benefits of the surgery are also discussed in this article. It has many uses and some of the reasons for the procedure are examined.
Tongue-tie is common and so are tight soft tissue connections under the lip to the gum margin. The procedure to free these attachments is explained and the many benefits to release of tongue ties are addressed. It is a wide ranging subject and therefore is summarised to give the reader an overall view of the subject.
Connective tissue grafting is a procedure to achieve thicker more robust soft tissue around a tooth or dental implant. This article discusses the reasons for the procedure and the procedure itself.
Dry mouth known as xerostomia is not an uncommon problem and can be the result of medication side effects, or disease of the salivary glands. This article addresses the condition and its management.
Tooth whitening is very popular and this article looks at the pros and cons of the procedure and the various treatment products and methods of their use.
Guided Biofilm Therapy is the most modern approach to the treatment of gum disease. This article discusses the benefits of this new approach versus the older approaches. This new approach is a game changer for all patients.
The placement of dental implants requires adequate bone to support the implant. Sometimes it is necessary to “grow” additional bone to make the treatment possible. This article looks at bone grafting and discusses the benefits it offers.
When the last teeth are failing, it is important to take the patient from their situation to one that allows them to function socially as quickly as possible. This involves the removal of the last teeth and the immediate provision of a denture to provide the patient with enhanced appearance and the ability to eat. This article covers the whole subject.
Some patients are so phobic of dental treatment that they cannot accept treatment other than when they are asleep. An alternative way to offer care to these patients avoiding the costly involvement of a day surgery unit, hospital and an anaesthetist is to use either intravenous or oral sedation or a combination of both. This brief article is to accompany the drug Lorazepam that is used as an oral sedative used in combination with intravenous sedation for extremely anxious patients.
Gum recession often accompanies gum disease. It can be a real appearance problem at the front of the mouth and this article addresses the treatment of this condition achieving coverage of the exposed roots and improved appearance.
Older patients often suffer from exposed root surfaces and these surfaces are especially susceptible to decay. This article looks at the problem and its prevention and treatment.
Tooth sensitivity is a big problem and this article explains the condition and discusses various treat options.
Human papillomavirus and oro-pharyngeal carcinoma are discussed. It is an increasing problem in parts of the community.
Nutrition and its close relationship to our general health and oral health are important subjects that this article addresses.
To understand the dental reports written for our patients, this article has been provided to enable patients to understand the international tooth numbering system so they can interprete the report and understand which teeth are being discussed.
Oral care is extremely important for patients who have been diagnosed with cancer and are about to embark on treatment. This article is a wide-ranging discussion on the importance of oral care for patients receiving cancer treatment.
The most recent classification of periodontal disease is outlined in this article provided for other members of the dental team including dental hygienists and therapists and those patients who might wish to know more.
This article discusses what to do if a patient has a tooth scheduled for removal and the patient wants to know if they might be suitable for replacement of the tooth using an osseo-integrated dental implant.
So you might be interested in a career in dentistry and you would be surprised at how many different jobs exist in this field of medicine. Read through and it tells you about all the various jobs and how one gets qualified in the various roles.