Natural Teeth & How to Maintain Them
And that’s important.
Maintaining your natural teeth is the best thing for your oral health as your teeth provide support for your gums and jaw. Treatments such as apicectomy allow dentists to go to greater lengths to save your natural tooth.
An apicectomy is a surgical procedure for an abscessed or infected tooth which has already been root filled. In rare cases after root canal therapy, the infection in the tooth root continues. If it does an apicoectomy will remove the infection and restore health.
An apicectomy can be performed while you are awake, sedated or asleep. Part of your initial consultation with Dr Priestland will be to assess how you would be most comfortable proceeding with treatment.
Your treatment in a relaxed and comfortable environment
Dr Priestland and his team work closely with each patient to educate them on what to expect with each treatment. The range of dental surgery treatments Dr Priestland offers are all geared towards helping you maintain a healthy smile. Even tooth replacement options such as dental implants help to maintain the health of your teeth and jaws.
Maintaining your natural teeth
Stringent at-home oral hygiene routine and regular dental check-ups are the best way to maintain your natural teeth. And the longer you maintain your natural teeth the better.
Your oral health is a delicate balance of teeth, gums and jaw. If your teeth are unhealthy this will affect your gums and can affect your jaw in the long term.
Then there’s the health of your gums: gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. What’s worse is this disease is one of the most preventable diseases. Looking after your gums is looking after your teeth: and flossing your teeth is also beneficial for your gums.
Everything’s connected and so everything needs to be looked after equally. But how do you maintain healthy jawbone structure? Don’t smoke. That’s always a good start. Another is keeping your teeth. When you chew and bite the pressure stimulates your jawbone. When you lose a tooth there’s none of that stimulation and so your jawbone will atrophy. And this has a knock-on effect. As your jawbone starts to atrophy it can, over time, cause further tooth loss.
What NQ Surgical Dentistry can do for your oral health
Our team want patients to be completely satisfied with their dental experience. As such we have combined the highest levels of personal care with our professional expertise to help patients achieve their oral health goals. Our dental practice, located in Townsville, has been designed to create a tranquil and calming atmosphere so you can relax and unwind.
When you receive treatment from Dr Priestland and his team, you will also receive all the information you need from our dental hygienist on the best way to look after your oral health post-surgery.
contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812
For more information: Dental Hygiene Therapy

07 4725 1656