Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm

Ph: 07 4725 1656
183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812

Natural Teeth & how to maintain them

Natural Teeth & How to Maintain Them Advances in dentistry have allowed dentists to help you with maintaining your natural teeth. And that’s important. Maintaining your natural teeth is the best thing for your oral health as your teeth provide support for your gums...

Youth, Dentistry, & the Next Generation

Youth, Dentistry, & the Next Generation Teaching the Youth to Care for their Teeth It’s strange that a significant proportion of the population avoids the dentist because they fear pain, but only attend when they are in pain. This school of thought needs to be...

Anxiety, is it common with dental procedures?

Dental Anxiety, is it common? Dental anxiety is Commonplace! You may feel that it affects only you but believe me, after treating patients now for more than 30 years, I can tell you, you are by no means alone in your dental anxiety. Fear and dental anxiety may result...

Are you a nervous dental patient?

Are you a nervous dental patient? Have we got news for you! “Intravenous Sedation is here” You’re not alone if you become nervous every time you have to make a dental appointment. It’s a sad fact that many Australians suffer from dental anxiety or dental phobia. They...