As a dentist, I get asked many questions a day, so I have compiled the top ones together for this article. The 27 most common dental questions and answers that you need to know. If I have missed one, please contact us. Thank you Dr Colin PriestlandThere are around 700...
Top 5 Questions Asked Before Wisdom Teeth Removal
Top 5 Questions To Ask Before Wisdom Teeth Removal CAN MY WISDOM TEETH REMOVAL BE PERFORMED PAIN-FREE? NQ Surgical Dentistry provides various options for wisdom teeth removal to ensure your maximum comfort and care during surgery including a local anaesthetic in the...
Oral Hygiene after Surgery FAQs – Part 4
In this final part, we look at oral hygiene, diet and is salt water useful? In part three we looked at what medication you can take at home, what to do about bleeding and when your stitches can be removed. In this, the final part, we look at oral hygiene, your diet,...
Bleeding after Surgery FAQs – Part 3
In part three we look at - what to do about bleeding at home, what medication you can and can’t take and when can stitches be removed. Q. What should I do if I start bleeding later at home after dental surgery? Rarely is postoperative bleeding severe after dental...
Swelling and Post-Operative FAQs – Part 2
Part two of our series looks at how to deal with swelling and infection post-operatively If you read this and feel there is an area of information on swelling or post-operative care that we have left out, please contact us and we can address the information you would...
Pain & Dental Surgery After-Care FAQs – Part 1
In this 4 part series, we will look at some of the most commonly asked questions about dental surgery after-care If you read this and feel there is an area of information we have left out about after-care dental surgery and pain, please contact us and we can address...
Drugs: Adverse effects of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Drugs and Associated Risks There has been some discussion over the risk of an association between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and a number of adverse side effects. These adverse effects include the following: hypertension (raised blood pressure)...
Steroid Medications: Effects on your Teeth
Steroid Medications The final post in our “Medication and Dental Surgery: How your medical history influences treatment decisions” is on patients who routinely take steroid medications. Steroid medications are rarely used in dentistry, but in general medicine, they...
Codeine sensitivity or allergy
Codeine and its Effects. The next article in our “Medication and Dental Surgery: How your medical history influences treatment decisions” series discusses Codeine sensitivity or allergy in patients and alternative medications you can take to reduce pain. If you have...
Angina medications and dental treatment
Angina Mediation & Dental Treatments Post 7 in the “Medications and Dental Surgery: How your medical history influences treatment decisions” series discusses Angina medications and how to manage them with dental treatment. Heart-related chest pain, also known as...
At NQ Surgical Dentistry, We Offer:
- Implant and Oral Surgery in Townsville
- Periodontics in Townsville
- Intravenous Sedation for dentistry in Townsville
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812