The risks of adverse effects are extremely low An association has been found to exist between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory dugs (NSAIDs) and raised blood pressure that can occasionally result in heart attack or stroke. However this risk is extremely low and it...
1. Patient information Sheets
The dental hygienist, the central asset in our practice – PH-41
What does a dental hygienist do? Many patients appear to be unclear about the role of the dental hygienist and the amazing benefits that they can provide to patients in a dental practice. It is the intention to explain their role and a number of the benefits that you...
Summary of radiation dose equivalents for patients – PH-40
Summary of radiation dose equivalents for patients When a patient is irradiated in order to take an X-ray, an area of their body is exposed to “ionising radiation”. This form of radiation has the potential to damage normal tissue cells if it is used in a high dose for...
What to do about failing teeth? – PH-39
If you have teeth affected by extensive dental decay or severe gum disease and you are worried about the prospect of losing your natural teeth, then this article should provide you with some hope that you could have a perfectly functional set of teeth and good...
Information concerning tooth extraction & oral surgery – PH-38
Frequently asked questions concerning the following topics: Pain after surgery Painkillers after surgery Swelling after surgery Post-operative infection Dry socket Post-operative bleeding Surgery for patients taking Warfarin Patients on anticoagulants other than...
Adverse effects of anti-inflammatory drugs – PH-37
There has been some discussion over the risk of an association between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory dugs (NSAIDs) and a number of adverse side effects. These adverse effects include the following: hypertension (raised blood pressure) thrombo-embolism (a blood clot...
Sports drinks, nutritional products and your mouth – PH-36
Decay and tooth erosion in young people Dental decay and tooth erosion are two very common conditions that continue to affect an increasing number of young Australians. Sadly the increase in prevalence in the young is at least in part due to the increasing use of...
Your medical history and surgery – PH-35
Your medical history influences treatment so inform your Dental Surgeon of any changes in your medical history. Like all medical and dental practices, at NQ Surgical Dentistry, we need to obtain an accurate, detailed medical history from all our patients. The medical...
Dental Crowns – PH-34
Dental Crowns There appears to be a great deal of confusion amongst some patients over what crowns are, why they are used and the different types of crowns that exist. This article aims to clear up this confusion and provide a clear overview on the use of crowns in...
Tooth Wear – PH-33
Tooth Wear Teeth are hard calcified tissues but they can be damaged in several ways. A fall can result in trauma and a fracture of a tooth. However, teeth can be damaged in other ways that may take place within the mouth described as tooth wear. Tooth wear can be a...
At NQ Surgical Dentistry, We Offer:
- Implant and Oral Surgery in Townsville
- Periodontics in Townsville
- Intravenous Sedation for dentistry in Townsville
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812