Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm

Ph: 07 4725 1656
183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812

Implants: The whole story of when, where, & how

Implants: The whole story Implant development Implants: The whole story of when, where, & how. Dental implants have been available for over 40 years since the pioneering work of Professor Per-Ingvar Branemark in Goteborg, Sweden.  A Swedish orthopaedic surgeon, he...

Overdentures & the foundation with Dental Implants

A foundation for overdentures Implant-retained and implant-supported Overdentures or Hybrid Dentures are better for your oral health. Failure to clean below the gum line may leave you suffering gum disease, bone loss and eventual tooth loss. If caring for your oral...

Gum Disease – “Silent and deadly!”

Gum Disease - Silent and Deadly Healthy Gums & Healthy Teeth Dental Ads these days appear to be preoccupied with your smile; Dental websites all have “smile galleries” with “Hollywood smiles” looking out at you.  The focus is very much on the teeth.  But just...