by admin | Sep 26, 2017 | 1. Patient information Sheets
The Mysteries of Denture Care Recently we have been asked by several patients how they should care for their dentures and it seemed a suitable subject for a short article in our website media centre. We hope this is helpful to many of our readers. The mouth in balance...
by admin | Jun 19, 2016 | Dentures, Implants
Failing teeth and what can be done? Part 2 There are solutions for your failing teeth, and part two aims to briefly outline all your options The most attractive options for an increasing number of people is an advanced approach that more and more patients are choosing...
by admin | Jun 18, 2016 | General Information
Oral care and cancer treatment Cancer is becoming more common Sadly cancer has become a significant community problem affecting larger numbers of patients worldwide. Many cancer sufferers are receiving their cancer therapy as outpatients and as a result, more dentists...
by admin | Jun 18, 2016 | Dentures, Implants
A foundation for overdentures Implant-retained and implant-supported Overdentures or Hybrid Dentures are better for your oral health. Failure to clean below the gum line may leave you suffering gum disease, bone loss and eventual tooth loss. If caring for your oral...
by admin | Jun 18, 2016 | Implant-Retained Dentures
Afraid of Loose Dentures? Do you have loose dentures? So your loose dentures are not what you’d hoped for; they doesn’t stay put when you chew a steak and just when you’re having fun and laugh out loud, it moves and gives you that horrid feeling feeling “are...