Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm

Ph: 07 4725 1656
183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812

Plaque and Gum Disease: Young Adults Series

Plaque & Gum Disease: Young Adults Preventing plaque and gum disease This article, the third in the series, is written to help young adults understand dental diseases and the preventive actions they can take to minimise their experience of tooth decay and gum disease,...

Referral not needed! So make an appointment today.

You don’t need a referral to visit us Unlike specialist practices, you don’t need a referral to visit us At NQ Surgical Dentistry we offer a very wide range of surgical and non-surgical therapy and we do not require a referral. Our practice covers the removal of teeth...

Brushing or Flossing and Bleeding Gums

Is bleeding gums normal? Is it normal for my Gums to bleed when brushing or flossing? Answer.  “This question always triggers alarm bells for me because it is clear that the message has still not got through that bleeding from gums at any time is a sign of gum...