Preventing plaque and gum disease This article, the third in the series, is written to help young adults understand dental diseases and the preventive actions they can take to minimise their experience of tooth decay and gum disease, by the proper way of controlling...
Dental Hygiene
Preventive Dentistry: Preventive dental information for young adults
This is the first of our preventive dentistry articles Facts on preventive dentistry: Dental decay and gum disease account for most of the dental disease requiring treatment by dentists and hygienists throughout the world. BOTH of these diseases are entirely...
Prevention is Better than a Cure! Keep your Teeth Healthy
Prevention is better than a cure and how you should keep your teeth healthy They say “Prevention is better than cure!” nowhere is it more relevant than when we apply it to dental decay and gum disease. These two dental diseases account for most of the dental work...
…and the leading cause of tooth loss is?
And the leading cause of tooth loss is... Gingivitis (Gum Disease) Over 90% of the world’s population will suffer from gingivitis, which is an inflammation. This inflammation is the leading cause of tooth loss. Gingivitis (Gum Disease) is caused by the gum...
Teeth Gums Plaque Nutrition: Partners In Disease
Dental Disease… whose responsibility? Dental disease, including dental decay and gum disease, is almost completely preventable. The next generation does not have to suffer from dental disease. The responsibility for prevention lies primarily in the hands of the...
Gum Disease – “Silent and deadly!”
Healthy Gums & Healthy Teeth Dental Ads these days appear to be preoccupied with your smile; Dental websites all have “smile galleries” with “Hollywood smiles” looking out at you. The focus is very much on the teeth. But just think for one moment; Healthy Gums...
Good oral health is a key to good general health
Cardiac Health and Dental Infection Recently the intimate relationship between oral health, general health and your dentist was highlighted recently when I was asked by a Cardiologist to clear a patient as free of dental infection prior to cardiac surgery. The patient...
Do you know a good dentist?
The Big Question I’ve heard that so many times at parties over the years, and I always pretend I’m not a dentist at all. But seriously, why do people ask the question? I find it interesting, because generally “patients” can’t tell if they have a good dentist or not....
Time to look after your teeth
If you don’t look after your smile, you won’t have one to look after! Now is the time to look after your teeth, and by helping you with your oral health routine, our dental hygienist, Sharon Everett here at NQ Surgical Dentistry in Townsville will help you achieve the...
So what’s next………
So What's Next...... We have looked at how we manage the Gum Disease patient with educational and mechanical treatment. We have seen that a period of 6-8 weeks of healing is needed to allow the gum inflammation to resolve. So what's next and what happens at those...
At NQ Surgical Dentistry, We Offer:
- Implant and Oral Surgery in Townsville
- Periodontics in Townsville
- Intravenous Sedation for dentistry in Townsville
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812