Tooth Whitening Tooth whitening uses the bleaching effect of either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, both of which will diffuse through the tooth enamel into the dentine and lighten the colour of the tooth. Whitening /bleaching is most effective for teeth with...
1. Patient information Sheets
Dry mouth (also known as Xerostomia) – PH-51
What this article covers: The salivary glands What saliva does Symptoms of reduced saliva Results of reduced saliva Causes of reduced saliva Dehydration Drug side effects Result of certain medical conditions Result of radiation therapy for head and neck cancer Need...
Connective Tissue Grafts – PH-50
This leaflet provides the reader with knowledge of the soft tissues found in the mouth, including their functions. It identifies the way in which tissue type is controlled and how, by surgical means, we are able to change the type of tissue growing around a tooth or...
Tongue and lip tie – PH-49
(also known as “oral restrictions”) Tongue and lip tie is a fascinating subject but so much of the information relating to these oral restrictions remains unknown by many healthcare practitioners. This leaflet is aimed to provide a basic level of knowledge for...
Crown-lengthening Surgery – PH-48
Teeth with deep or extensive restorations are often severely weakened. They can therefore suffer from fractures of the remaining tooth substance. Such fracture lines may extend deeply through the tooth below the gum margin. Treatment for a severely fractured tooth The...
Inhalers and the health of the mouth – PH-47
“What asthma and lung disease patients need to know” Some important points covered in this leaflet: It is critically important to provide all known details of all your medications, naturopathic remedies and supplements to all healthcare professionals including the...
Breast-feeding and oral health – PH-46
Breast-feeding and oral health Midwives, lactation consultants, child health nurses and other healthcare professionals give new mums and dads a great deal of advice, at prenatal classes. However, there is often relatively little specific information provided on: oral...
Root canal treatment and apicectomy – PH-45
Root canal treatment and apicectomy When a tooth suffers from severe trauma, or extensive dental decay, or is subject to considerable cavity preparation using a dental drill to remove the decayed tooth structure, living tissues within the pulp chamber and root canal...
What dental issues can occur once your reach your 50’s and beyond? – PH-44
Improvements in dental health For those Australians who have access to dental care and who can afford regular dental examination and treatment when required, it is likely that the current generation in the workforce will retain a large number of natural teeth well...
What dental issues can occur in your 40’s? – PH-43
There are a number of oral health issues that can arise in your 40’s. Unfortunately, dental work doesn’t last forever so this is the decade when you might expect some tooth repairs. Life expectancy of fillings There are a number of different materials used to restore...
At NQ Surgical Dentistry, We Offer:
- Implant and Oral Surgery in Townsville
- Periodontics in Townsville
- Intravenous Sedation for dentistry in Townsville
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812