Meet Sharon – Dental Hygienist
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Sharon Everett
Sharon Everett has been a Hygienist in our practice making an enormous contribution to the treatment of gum disease for the past 15 years. With over 20 years experience in the field and excellent communication skills Sharon is not only a highly effective and skilled dental hygienist but she is much loved by her patients.
Our Dental Hygienist
Her experience encompasses normal routine dental practice hygiene work and providing dental hygiene support for a Periodontist. She enjoys both aspects of hygiene practice and the variety of work maintains her interest and enthusiasm.
Most Modern Technology
Sharon has at her disposal all the most modern equipment and materials with which to treat patients suffering all levels of gum disease. Using Piezo scalers she is able to clean all the root surfaces of the teeth under local anesthesia without even the slightest discomfort to the patient. In patients with very advanced periodontitis, she is then able to use a diode laser to obliterate all bacterial plaque leaving the areas beneath the gum free of plaque. This allows for the resolution of inflammation.
Good Communication
Sharon has worked alongside Rob Saltmiras and a two-way communication has been established allowing open discussion of individual patients that achieves the best possible treatment planning and an individualised approach to each and every patient.
Commitment To Education
Sharon places great importance on keeping up to date with developments in oral health information, implant related oral health issues and scientific knowledge on gum disease and the various approaches to its treatment.
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812
Sharon’s Notes On Patient Care:
“Everyone is different, and everyone has a different problem which needs a unique approach and an individualised treatment plan; this is what makes my job so interesting and at the same time challenging. Dental hygiene can play a major part in improving the patient’s oral health, confidence and their whole quality of life.”
At NQ Surgical Dentistry, We Offer:
- Implant and Oral Surgery in Townsville
- Periodontics in Townsville
- Intravenous Sedation for dentistry in Townsville
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812