After surgery,DO NOT REMOVE 
the denture from your mouth for 24 hours if possible. The denture will control the bleeding, limit swelling and act as a band-aid. If the denture is removed, swelling will occur that may make it difficult or impossible to remove and replace the denture.
It is usual to make arrangements to see the Prosthetist the day following surgery. He will carefully remove the denture, check the soft tissues for any signs of rubbing or tightness and if necessary ease the denture material to reduce the pressure on the soft tissues to prevent the denture rubbing and causing ulceration.
- You may eat or drink after the first hour of blood clot formation where the teeth have been removed. Soft foods are best for at least the first couple of weeks.
- Do not rinse your mouth until after the denture has been removed by your prosthetist the day after surgery. If you have some natural teeth remaining, continue to brush them normally.
- When mouth washing, do not “swish” the fluid vigorously around the mouth or you may disturb blood clots. Instead take the fluid into the mouth, tilt the head to one side and allow the fluid to bath the tissues on one side of the mouth then tilt the head the other way and repeat.
- Mouth washing is performed every morning and evening for 1-2 minutes using Curasept as stated in your post-operative care instructions
- In between the two Curasept mouth-washes, try to bath the mouth with hot water from the tap (do not use hot salty water) as often as your lifestyle will allow. This hot water will warm the tissues and thereby increase the blood flow through those tissues improving healing. If the denture causes soreness see your Prosthetist.
- After the first 24 hours, carefully remove your denture after eating and clean with water, liquid soap or a proprietary denture cleaner.
- After 3 days you can leave your denture out at night. When dentures are not in the mouth they should normally be kept moist.
Contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812