Medical History and How it Can Impact Surgical Care
Like all medical and dental practices, at NQ Surgical Dentistry, we need to obtain an accurate, detailed medical history for all our patients. The medical history form is the first stage of collecting this information. At your consultation, Dr Priestland will discuss your medical history in more detail and may ask further questions to identify any additional information required to provide you with the best care possible and manage your medical conditions as they may relate to the treatment planned.
If a patient has a number of medical issues, Dr Priestland may ask their doctor for a medical summary with a full drug history. This can be very useful in helping to plan surgery and ensure we offer the best combination of medications to avoid any drug interactions.
Following any surgery, we provide all our patients with one page of post-operative instructions that are concise and cover the main points to facilitate a safe recovery.
The more detailed information contained in this article series is a reference source for our patients to access should they want additional information on a range of issues that relate to patients’ general medical health and how it can influence our dental management before, during and after dental surgery. The list below outlines the contents of this article series with detailed information being provided under each heading:
Medical History and how it can impact surgical care
- Osteoporosis medication influences dental extractions and dental surgery
- Diabetes and dental treatment or surgery
- Dental extractions and surgery after radiation therapy of the head and neck
- Knee or hip replacement surgery influences future dental management
- The influence of cardiac disease on dental management
- Anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications influence management of dental extractions and dental surgery
- Angina (heart-related chest pain) medications and dental treatment
- Codeine sensitivity or allergy
- Patients who routinely take steroid medications
Any queries?
If you have any questions after reading through this article series as it relates to your own medical history and you are due to see Dr Priestland, please discuss all your medical issues and questions with him at your initial consultation appointment.
If you have already seen him and have a surgical appointment but you now remember there is a medical issue that you did not discuss with Dr Priestland, please contact the practice as soon as you are able.
If you have problems and have recently had surgery contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812
In the case of an emergency, our patients can call Dr Priestland outside his normal working hours on his mobile telephone number that is shown on your printed post-operative instructions and on your appointment card.

07 4725 1656