Do you know a good dentist?
The Big Question
I’ve heard that so many times at parties over the years, and I always pretend I’m not a dentist at all. But seriously, why do people ask the question? I find it interesting, because generally “patients” can’t tell if they have a good dentist or not. They largely judge the issue on two factors alone; does their dentist hurt and do they like him or her!
I think the main point is that dentists who are skilful, careful and professional generally have the ability to build a rapport with their patients. Communication is the over-riding factor in the relationship. As a dentist they should be able to explain the nature of your problem and the options available to treat it and do this using every-day-speak and not sound like an exert from an academic journal.
Of course different dentists have different strengths and weaknesses but in general they are all capable of providing a sound standard of dentistry for their patients. Some may have extra training and extra skill in certain areas of dentistry and this may make them particularly suitable for you as an individual.
Nowadays, when you search through the websites, you find everyone trying to be accomplished in everything. Isn’t amazing how many dentists are declaring a special interest in cosmetic dentistry, implants and neuromuscular dentistry. So what’s wrong with simply saying they are good general practitioners who look after their patients, know their patients and aim to prevent problems before they arise.
Nowadays we are starting to see dental practices advertising in the paper, magazines and even on the TV. This is primarily about exposure rather than getting facts about the practice know, and generally it helps to increase the number of enquiries. However, what matters to the dentist is converting enquiries into new patients and subsequently treatment.
A “good dentist” genuinely cares about your dental health, and wants to keep your mouth functioning well and looking good. Whatever the nature of your problem, you can bet that there is more than one way to treat it. So it’s important to make sure you get all the options explained fully. Ask questions. The good dentist will make the time to answer your questions in a clear concise manner. At the end of the day you must decide with the dentist on the most appropriate option for you and then run with it.
If your dentist is too busy to talk or explain, maybe you need another opinion. If there’s never an option only one answer, then maybe you need a second opinion. If you don’t feel comfortable or you don’t quite trust the opinion you’ve been given, get another opinion. In the end you are free to go anywhere you want for your treatment so find the right dentist for you. Like a financial adviser, you have to work together so find someone you feel comfortable with.
contact the friendly team at NQ Surgical Dentistry today on (07) 4725 1656 or call in to see us at 183 Kings Rd, Pimlico QLD 4812
Find more information: Dental Hygiene Therapy

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